Letter to President Donald Trump; sign an executive order to re-establish the American Freedmen’s Bureau

Letter to President Donald Trump; sign an executive order to re-establish the American Freedmen’s Bureau

Sign & share; https://chng.it/yGptwLq8Wr


(January 2025 update: The petition link has been updated to reflect the current presidential admin in the U.S)

Black American Freedmen, descendants of the U.S emancipation, are calling on President Joe Biden to sign an executive order to re-establish the American Freedmen’s Bureau in order to begin the process to pay out cash reparations to the descendant class & to continue with reconstruction that was disrupted by former Democrat President Andrew Johnson. 

The United States, state and local governments have been charged by American Freedmen for crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of chattel slavery, human trafficking, and ongoing intent to cause harm including redlining, predatory lending, land theft, inequitable use of the U.S dollar, police violence, drug & gun planting, and leaked pollution in Black neighborhoods that is linked violent crime, dementia, heart disease, cancer, infertility, & other serious health issues.

American Freedmen are demanding accountability from the establishment that was accused just two years ago of human trafficking. Exact demands for the Bureau include; 

  • Setting up a reparations superfund that is overseen by the Freedmen’s Bureau that is supervised by American Freedmen that are elected or selected by a Democratic lottery. Each American Freedmen descendant is owed a minimum of 20 million dollars in direct cash payments. To be clear, reparations is a DEBT that is owed and it’s past due to the ethnic group generally known as “African or Black” American Freedmen, descendants of survivors of U.S chattel slavery, the U.S emancipation, and/or freed Black persons that were in what is now known as the United States prior to the 19th century. Black American Freedmen are collectively an amalgamation of African (descent), Indigenous American, & European ancestry. An ethno-genesis that was Made in America with ancestry that can often be traced to the 1600’s in the Americas.  In most of our cases we have White European colonist ancestors that bred/sold their own mulatto children into slavery, mulatto’s that descended into the Black American Freedmen ethnic group that we are part of today. We are a tribe of displaced tribes that descended into our American Freedmen ethno-genesis based mostly on the created concept of “Blackness” aka phenotype dark skin and other so-called “Negro” features. We know who we are and so does the United States. 
  • Restoring the Freedmen’s Bank with the federal government providing start-up funding for the bank. Set up an American Freedmen trust account to withhold a collective portion of Black American Freedmen taxes until full repair is paid to the descendant class. Allow a permanent “opt out” option for American Freedmen that do not want to claim their reparations payment.
  • Setting up regional American Freedmen offices with a Freedmen legal office, an office of communications, an office of immediate relief, and genealogy services taking priority. 
  • The Freedmen’s legal team will investigate all entities that were involved in the U.S slave trade in order to begin the process of holding said entities accountable for their crimes against humanity. This includes examining banks, churches, bad faith music contracts & other intellectual property theft and other theft in general. The legal team will use existing reports and data that provide proof of systematic harm caused by local, state, and the federal gov’t against the American Freedmen, including the burning of entire towns to the ground like Tulsa city’s “Black Wall Street” and including but not limited to the “1985 MOVE BOMBING” where the “Philadelphia Police Department dropped a C-4 bomb on home of the MOVE organization, killing 11 Black Americans including 5 children & wiping out 61 neighbors’ homes in 2 city blocks.” We want to clarify that moving forward American Freedmen will establish systems to protect against this type of militarized violence and that any persons involved in barbaric crimes against humanity will be held accountable to the fullest extent.
  • The office of Immediate relief will begin to assist foundational Black American populations with supportive needs in the areas of (but not limited to); affordable and supportive housing, childcare, food services, healthcare including behavioral, mental, and rehabilitation healthcare, youth & young adult crime and gang prevention, etc. The office will begin the establishment of Freedmen hospitals in Freedmen townships. 50% of Black American residents are homeless even though they are only 13% of the total population. Black American Freedmen have continually fought against systematic oppression while being denied equitable access and use of the dollar. American Freedmen are currently examining a digital AFC (American Freedmen Currency) to utilize especially until full repair is paid and as long as we are denied equitable access to the common means of exchange.
  • The office of genealogy services will trace lineage for Black American Freedmen to begin the process of direct cash repair & land distributions within (and outside of) intentional sovereign Freedmen jurisdictions. 
  • The American Freedmen Bureau of Supervisors will work with the federal, state, and local govts to establish federal protections for discontinuation of ongoing harm of foundational Black American Freedmen & other so-called Negro peoples in the United States. Establish federal protections and a Freedmen’s court system to protect the lives, land, housing, and other collective Freedmen assets and interests. Establish intentional sovereign Freedmen jurisdiction over predominately Black American Freedmen neighborhoods & establish completely new Freedmen townships. Examine immigration policies that continually bring in lower income immigrant groups into already underfunded Black American communities. We want to clarify further that any Bureau of Refugees/Immigrants is separate from the Office of American Freedmen and that said offices are funded with the collective taxes of immigrants, and descendants of that are not foundational to the United States.

President Biden, at your recent visit to Howard University which was founded with the help of the Freedmen’s Bureau and other Freedmen associates, you mentioned that White supremacy was the “most dangerous terrorist threat” in this country, white supremacy that you yourself actively participated in in your earlier political days. We had hoped that while you were on stage at Howard that you would mention the debt that is owed to American Freedmen but that did not happen unfortunately.

In 1975, you mentioned that you rejected the idea of reparations for “something that happened so long ago” even though you were associated with Klan members and you were actively open and against desegregation even though you knew that our Black American Freedmen ancestors were paying for public services that they couldn’t fully use because of segregation/racism. Even though you knew that Black American Freedmen were being targeted by American Nazi groups like the original slave patrols/police that began funneling drugs, guns, and pollution into Black American neighborhoods and framing Black Americans for crimes they didn’t commit, breaking up Black American Freedmen families and essentially creating the “ghetto” conditions that we see in many of our neighborhoods today. 

President Biden, let’s make something clear and I’m sure you know this already, reparations is not just about slavery but about the ongoing systematic harm that was upheld by not only you but other political figures as well at the local, state, and federal levels of government. Just last year in Los Angeles City, we heard a former LA City council president, a White Latina and descendant of an immigrant, admit on audio that she wouldn’t support another political candidate because that candidate supported Black Americans. This same person called an indigenous group “dark & ugly”. 

American politicians have gone out of their way to use OUR tax dollars and our LABOR to fund other ethnic groups especially immigrant groups that have arrived in the U.S, many of which have assimilated into White supremacist ideology with the help of the U.S Gov’t. The U.S government again used OUR taxes and went out of it’s way to find entities that were involved in the Holocaust, something that happened in Germany, in order to pay out reparations to Jewish holocaust survivors or their descendants, so I’m trying to understand why this government that stands today because of my American Freedmen ancestors,  isn’t making the same accommodation for the American Freedmen who helped fight against Hitler & the Germans? Who are the reason that the “union was saved” and according to former president Lincoln the civil war could not have been won without? A civil war that started to save the union and not to end slavery though my American Freedmen ancestors were fighting for more than just saving the union. Why hasn’t this country that stands today because of my ancestors, why isn’t it going out of its way way to get American Freedmen the money and land that they are owed? And better yet as I mentioned earlier in the letter American Freedmen collectively have Indigenous ancestry so why are we begging a white supremacist system for land when our roots have been tied to the land longer than the existence of the United States?  American Freedmen have been your heroes, your favorite civil rights activists that many of you often misquote,  your favorite athletes, your favorite musicians, your biggest inventors, we are the reason that other so-called immigrants of color were able to come into this country when white supremacy wanted to prevent that from happening. 

President Biden, I wish I was wrong, but there is enough evidence to prove that the U.S government is actively still working against the American Negro who saved the union that might not have been worth saving after all?! And regarding the Holocaust, who do you think Hitler got his inspiration from? From the United States of course! In “Mein Kampf”, Hitler praised the American Jim Crow laws. Had the U.S been held accountable maybe the holocaust could have been prevented. President Biden I guess the point that I’m trying to make or ask is; why are you using my people’s tax dollars and collective labor for everyone but our people????! Why are you using our tax dollars to fund the likes of Israel that is committing the same crimes that Hitler did?? And why are you using our tax dollars to fund Ukraine??? That is something that American taxpayers should voluntarily be able to use their taxes for. To take my money and give it to two other groups with alleged Nazi ties is something that the American Freedmen will not continue to stand for. I’m pro-life for ALL living beings and I do not support ethnic supremacy anywhere on this Earth!

The Negro people were the first people on Earth and we do not owe the fair skins that descend from us any alleged “Eurocentric features’ including specific skin tones. American Freedmen do not want our collective labor and tax dollars funding militarized occupations anywhere on this Earth. To drop a bomb on Earth on any civilian population or other species including Earth itself is one of the greatest sins that one can commit. 

President Biden I hope that this letter finds you well. American Freedmen are calling on you to restore the Black American Freedmen’s Bureau by executive order in order to begin the process to pay out reparations to the ethnic group generally known as African or Black American Freedmen, descendants of the 13 colonies, of the U.S emancipation, of U.S chattel slavery, and/or Freed Black persons that are INDIGENOUS to the country now known as the United States. We want to be clear that our claim for repair is LINEAGE based and that any other ethnic group that may be owed repair for whatever reasons can file their own separate claims. Our people have waited long enough, we are demanding that the United States government honor it’s DEBT to the American Negro people aka American Heroes who are the reason that this country stands today! 


American Freedmen, descendants of Survivors 


#PowerToThePeople #BLACKPower


This letter was written by a Black American Freedwoman, a direct descendant of the first white colonist to forcefully occupy the Island of Nantucket, Richard Swain, whose lineage went on to breed/breed with their own mulatto children into slavery. 

Letter to President Biden, re-establish the American Freedmen’s Bureau

If you’d like to make direct donations to support the American Freedmen’s effort to restore the Bureau please use the links below; 






Statement from the Howard graduates who disrupted Joe Biden’s speech at their commencement; We demand the end of university and government funding to the zionist entity as it carries out yet another massacre in Gaza and throughout Palestine, approaching 75 years of the Nakba. We stand against Howard University’s shameful partnership with the Department of Defense, and the country’s shameful partnerships with fascist regimes like Marcos Jr in the Philippines. “We understand US imperialism to be the greatest threat to life on the planet, and we demand to live. We demand structural change, so that all African people wherever we are found can live full happy lives.”



“Rep. Cori Bush introduces resolution on reparations for Black Americans H.Res.414″ https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress


U.S. begins paying out reparations from France to Holocaust survivors and their heirs.

The payments apply to Holocaust survivors who were deported from France to concentration camps on stifling trains operated by the state-owned French railway, SNCF, or, if the survivors have died, to their spouses or heirs. It is the first French compensation to Holocaust survivors who settled in the United States as well as Israel, Canada and other countries that haven’t had a reparations agreement with France. It’s also the first World War II reparations program to include heirs considered to be “standing in the shoes” of people who died before receiving compensation for the atrocities they or their spouses endured, State Department officials said. The State Department has paid or approved 90 claims for a total $11 million in reparations from France to former World War II prisoners who were carried to Nazi death camps in French trains — the first French reparations paid to Holocaust survivors living in the United States, officials said Thursday.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/us-begins-paying-out-french-reparations-to-holocaust-survivors-and-their-heirs/2016/09/15/87b1de56-7abb-11e6-bd86-b7bbd53d2b5d_story.html

Harpers Magazine (2000); Approximately 10 million US slaves contributed 410 Billion Hrs of free labor.  Harpers calculated that the United States gained $100 Trillion from free Slave Labor.”


CA reparations task force report; https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/media/ab3121-reparations-interim-report-2022.pdf


American Freedmen