The Freedmen’s Bureau agenda

2025 agenda 

1.) File a class action lawsuit by the fall/winter of 2025 against; The IRS, the federal, state, and local governments as well as other entities within the United States that have been accused of crimes of; treason, entrapment, chattel slavery, human trafficking, wage depression through chain migration, taxation without representation of a foundational population, land & housing theft, etc. etc. etc.

The class action is on behalf of the American Freedmen descendants, generally known as Black or African Americans, an ethno-genesis that was made in the Americas beginning around the 1600 Americas and prior to the United States founding in 1776, an amalgamation of tribes of tribes from the Americas, EU, Africa, etc. that formed into one ethno-genesis by the end of the 19th century.

Upon its “founding”, the United States government went on to aid European Americans (in many cases the grandparents/parents of living Black Americans & their Black ancestors), that were breeding mulatto Black/Black children and adults ( often Indigenous/African/European admixtures) into slavery and getting paid by the United States government for doing so and later, bringing enslaved African ancestors onto the shore of Americas (about 300,000 or so) who would complete the amalgamation of the descendant class.

2.) Officially establish the grassroots Freedmen’s Bureau and assign advocacy roles to selected delegates.
Tasks include; Establishing new (protected) homogenous Freedmen towns that are connected to each other and founded on common sense ideology, include reinvesting and revitalizing existing Black American towns, include legality issues including the pending class action that will request; land and housing back, cash, and other tangible assets, will include the re-establishment of Freedmen healthcare systems, Freedmen courts & other systems to protect the community from all forms of violence, will include the Freedmen’s historical archive/genealogy team, will include directly addressing issues of chain migration that have been historically used to depress wages specifically in Black American townships, will include an American Freedmen intellectual arts, media, and other artistic expressions space to refocus American Freedmen media, will include a foster resource community for displaced American Freedmen youth, etc. etc., etc.

3.) Establish a secure pension trust account to; redirect (or a portion of) the federal, state, and other taxes of Black American Freedmen into in order to create a compounding trust that will eventually pay out a UBI payment to American Freedmen descendants until restitution is paid to each descendant by the United States Federal government in the sum of at least; 5-20 million dollars per descendent. A portion of said trust to be used for; community revitalization and administrative tasks but not to exceed more than 20% of trust amount. Examine other local exchanges such as resource based exchanges.

4.) Establish/Re-Establish American Freedmen schools that are refocused on the well-being of the Black American community. At least 70% of enrollees at schools should be of the lineage while reserving 30% to non-Freedmen residents. Address community concerns of behavioral health among youth and adults and other disruptions within/outside of the school systems. School curriculum should include; Political and other sciences including the sciences of humanities; the well-being of the individual as well as the collective.

5.) Examine Dual-Citizenship opportunities, especially in regions with confirmed ancestry/living relatives. (Other parts of the Americas, Europe, and Africa)

6.) In the Summer of 2025, host the American Freedmen convention that will include the American Freedmen Ball and will include the premiere documentary; “Becoming America Freedmen”.  

Other work TBD with continued community meetings & community connections. Information on community meetings TBD. Subscribe for updates. 

Please keep in mind that the titles;
African American, ADOS (American descendants of chattel slavery), AADOS (African American Descendants of Survivors), DOAS (Descendants of American chattel slavery), Foundational Black American (FBA), Black American, American Negro, American Maroon, Gullah Geechee, Creole, American Freedmen, etc. etc. are all synonymous to foundational Americans that are descendants of survivors of U.S chattel slavery, the U.S emancipation, and/or freed Black persons in the U.S prior to the 19th century. American Freedmen are Foundational, Native, or Indigenous to the United States.

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